Poster Presentation Australian & New Zealand Obesity Society 2014 Annual Scientific Meeting

Report of the first 50 patients attending the ACT public Obesity Management Service (#171)

Kristen Murray 1 2 , Jennie Yaxley 1 , Cheryl Hastie 1 , Rebecca Wriggles 1 , Emily Burgess 1 , Holly Smith 1 , Peter Loa 1 , Paul Dugdale 1 2
  1. ACT Health, Belconnen, ACT, Australia
  2. College of Medicine, Biology and Environment, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia

The ACT Health Obesity Management Service (OMS) saw its first patients in February 2014. It provides multidisciplinary treatment for adults with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40kg/m2 or more. To access to the service, patients require a referral from their General Practitioner and are then reviewed and assessed by medical and nursing staff. Initial assessment of patients assesses current risk factors and outcome measures for the service. The current study presents data pertaining to the first 50 individuals accessing the OMS to provide a baseline description of characteristics of this patient group.

Referral and attendance records were examined, in addition to indicators measured in the initial assessment. A summary of data collected at baseline will be presented including the following parameters: demographic breakdown (gender, age), anthropometry (mean Body Mass Index and mean waist circumference), and emotional well-being (PHQ-2 Depression Screening Tool and Dartmouth COOP Chart). Records relating to referral source, comorbid physical and mental health conditions, bariatric surgery status and attendance rates will also be presented, in addition to measures assessed in group education and physical activity programs. A summary of initial treatment planning in the OMS will also be presented, including total case manager assignment, referral to internal and external providers, and occasions of service in the 30 days following initial assessment.  An overview of health service use records in the 12 months preceding assessment in the OMS assessing occasions of service for emergency presentations, number of admissions and total bed days, outpatient appointments, total medical and allied health specialists will also be provided.

Assessment of the first 50 patients accessing the ACT Health Obesity Management Service provides a detailed summary of patient characteristics to date. Additional case series should be examined over time to continue to understand this population and optimise assessment, treatment and evaluation methods.